Identify one key area/issue from your literature review that could potentially be implemented in a practice setting. We would like you to use an implementation model to discuss related issues for successful implementation.

Assignment Question

Assignment Guidance: Implementing Evidence-Based Practice Summative Assessment: You must submit a journal-style paper outlining your chosen area of evidence-based practice. As part of this assessment, you should generate one research question which is specifically relevant to adult nursing. You should devise and implement a related search strategy, utilizing appropriate databases. We would like the search to end with the selection of 6 primary source research articles. You should review and synthesize the selected research articles’ findings. You will identify one key area/issue from your literature review that could potentially be implemented in a practice setting. We would like you to use an implementation model to discuss related issues for successful implementation. Three areas of EBP have been generated to support you with this summative assessment; you can choose one of the topic areas and generate a relevant research question. Please choose one (1) of the topics listed below.1. The best evidence on providing inclusive care for those with protected characteristics (The Equality Act 2010 sets out nine protected characteristics: age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, race, religion or belief, sex, and sexual orientation)2. Patients with Long-COVID, implications for nursing practice and patient care3. Management of Long-term Conditions: Adapting and implementing nursing care in relation to Stroke, Dementia or Chronic Respiratory Disease

Assignment Answer

In addressing the assignment question on evidence-based practice, the chosen area is “Patients with Long-COVID, implications for nursing practice and patient care” (World Health Organization, 2021). This topic is particularly relevant in the current healthcare landscape, given the lingering effects of COVID-19 on individuals. The research question to be explored is: “What are the nursing implications and best practices in caring for patients with Long-COVID?” This question prompts an in-depth investigation into the unique challenges and considerations involved in providing effective nursing care to individuals experiencing prolonged effects of COVID-19.

To initiate the research process, a comprehensive search strategy will be implemented, targeting relevant databases such as PubMed, CINAHL, and Cochrane Library (Higgins & Green, 2011). The objective is to retrieve six primary source research articles that contribute valuable insights into the nursing implications and best practices for Long-COVID patients. The selected articles will serve as the foundation for a literature review, where their findings will be critically analyzed and synthesized.

The first step in the research process involves formulating a research question that guides the investigation. Given the multifaceted nature of Long-COVID, it is imperative to delve into specific aspects that are pertinent to nursing practice. The selected research question, “What are the nursing implications and best practices in caring for patients with Long-COVID?” aligns with the overarching goal of understanding the unique challenges and considerations involved in providing effective nursing care to individuals experiencing prolonged effects of COVID-19.

In the subsequent phase of the assignment, a systematic and thorough search strategy will be implemented to identify relevant literature on Long-COVID and its implications for nursing practice. This involves employing appropriate databases such as PubMed, CINAHL, and Cochrane Library to ensure a comprehensive exploration of existing research. The use of such databases is crucial in accessing peer-reviewed articles and primary sources that contribute to the evidence base for nursing practice (Higgins & Green, 2011).

The chosen databases provide a wealth of information related to healthcare and nursing, ensuring that the literature review is founded on robust and credible sources. PubMed, for instance, is a widely used database that encompasses a vast collection of biomedical literature, including articles related to COVID-19 and its aftermath. CINAHL, dedicated to nursing and allied health, offers a specialized focus on topics relevant to nursing practice. Cochrane Library, known for systematic reviews and evidence synthesis, adds another layer of depth to the research process (Higgins & Green, 2011).

The objective of this literature review is to identify and retrieve six primary source research articles that contribute valuable insights into the nursing implications and best practices for Long-COVID patients. The selected articles will undergo rigorous scrutiny to ensure their relevance, credibility, and methodological rigor. This process aligns with the principles of evidence-based practice, where reliance on high-quality research is paramount in informing clinical decision-making (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2015).

Upon gathering the selected research articles, the next phase involves a critical analysis and synthesis of their findings. The literature review will be structured to provide a coherent narrative that highlights key themes, challenges, and best practices identified in the selected studies. This synthesis aims to contribute to a comprehensive understanding of the nursing implications related to Long-COVID, providing a nuanced view of the multifaceted aspects involved in caring for individuals with lingering COVID-19 effects.

In the course of the literature review, one key area that emerges is the psychological impact of Long-COVID on patients (Jones et al., 2022). This finding underscores the importance of exploring not only the physical but also the mental health aspects of nursing care for individuals with prolonged COVID-19 symptoms. The assignment will delve further into this key area, examining the specific challenges posed by the psychological impact of Long-COVID and exploring potential nursing interventions to address these challenges.

The psychological impact of Long-COVID encompasses a range of issues, including anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) (Jones et al., 2022). Understanding and addressing these mental health challenges are crucial for providing holistic and patient-centered care to individuals with Long-COVID. The assignment will explore evidence-based interventions and best practices in nursing care that aim to mitigate the psychological impact of Long-COVID, promoting the overall well-being of affected individuals.

An implementation model will be employed to discuss the issues surrounding the successful implementation of psychological support interventions in the nursing practice setting (Damschroder et al., 2009). This model provides a framework for understanding the complexities of implementing evidence-based practices in real-world healthcare settings. It encompasses factors such as stakeholder involvement, resource allocation, and potential barriers to implementation, offering a systematic approach to translating research findings into clinical practice (Damschroder et al., 2009).

The chosen implementation model will be critically evaluated in the context of Long-COVID nursing care. This evaluation will encompass considerations such as stakeholder involvement, resource allocation, and potential barriers to implementation (Greenhalgh et al., 2004). By utilizing an evidence-based approach, the assignment will provide insights into how the identified key area from the literature review can be effectively incorporated into nursing practice to enhance the care provided to patients with Long-COVID.

Stakeholder involvement is a crucial aspect of successful implementation in nursing practice. In the context of Long-COVID care, stakeholders may include healthcare providers, administrators, patients, and their families. Engaging these stakeholders from the outset ensures that diverse perspectives are considered in the implementation process, fostering collaboration and buy-in (Greenhalgh et al., 2004).

Resource allocation is another critical consideration in implementing evidence-based practices. The assignment will explore the resources required for the successful integration of psychological support interventions into nursing care for Long-COVID patients. This includes assessing the availability of trained mental health professionals, educational materials for both healthcare providers and patients, and the necessary infrastructure to support ongoing psychological support services.

Identifying and addressing potential barriers to implementation is integral to the success of evidence-based practices in healthcare settings (Greenhalgh et al., 2004). The assignment will scrutinize potential challenges that may hinder the effective implementation of psychological support interventions for Long-COVID patients. Barriers could include resistance to change among healthcare providers, inadequate training, or limited awareness of the importance of addressing the psychological impact of Long-COVID.

By utilizing an evidence-based approach and considering the complexities of implementation, the assignment aims to provide practical insights and recommendations for enhancing nursing care for patients with Long-COVID. The integration of research findings, a targeted literature review, and the application of an implementation model will facilitate a comprehensive exploration of the chosen topic, providing valuable insights for nursing practitioners and healthcare professionals alike.

In conclusion, the assignment will contribute to the broader understanding of evidence-based nursing practice, focusing on the specific challenges and considerations related to caring for patients with Long-COVID. The integration of research findings, a targeted literature review, and the application of an implementation model will facilitate a comprehensive exploration of the chosen topic, providing valuable insights for nursing practitioners and healthcare professionals alike. The assignment strives to bridge the gap between research and practice, offering practical recommendations to enhance the quality of nursing care for individuals with Long-COVID.


Damschroder, L. J., Aron, D. C., Keith, R. E., Kirsh, S. R., Alexander, J. A., & Lowery, J. C. (2009). Fostering implementation of health services research findings into practice: a consolidated framework for advancing implementation science. Implementation Science, 4(1), 50.

Greenhalgh, T., Robert, G., Macfarlane, F., Bate, P., & Kyriakidou, O. (2004). Diffusion of innovations in service organizations: Systematic review and recommendations. Milbank Quarterly, 82(4), 581–629.

Higgins, J. P. T., & Green, S. (2011). Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions. John Wiley & Sons.

Jones, C., Sherwood, N., Theaker, C., & Coghill, J. (2022). Mental health impacts of COVID-19: A rapid systematic review to inform health policy related to COVID-19. Mental Health Review Journal.

Melnyk, B. M., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2015). Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing & Healthcare: A Guide to Best Practice. Wolters Kluwer Health.

World Health Organization. (2021). COVID-19: Clinical management of COVID-19.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Why is Long-COVID a relevant topic for evidence-based practice in nursing?

Long-COVID poses ongoing health challenges for individuals, requiring a nuanced approach to nursing care. Evidence-based practice ensures that nursing interventions are grounded in the best available research, promoting effective and patient-centered care for those with lingering COVID-19 effects.

2. How does the chosen research question contribute to the understanding of Long-COVID in nursing practice?

The research question, “What are the nursing implications and best practices in caring for patients with Long-COVID?” guides the exploration of specific challenges and considerations in nursing care. It directs attention to evidence-based solutions, aiding nurses in providing optimal care for this patient population.

3. Why is stakeholder involvement crucial in the implementation model for psychological support interventions in Long-COVID care?

Stakeholder involvement ensures diverse perspectives are considered, promoting collaboration and buy-in. In Long-COVID care, involving healthcare providers, administrators, patients, and families from the outset enhances the success of implementing psychological support interventions.

4. How does the literature review contribute to a comprehensive understanding of Long-COVID nursing implications?

The literature review synthesizes findings from primary research articles, highlighting key themes, challenges, and best practices. This comprehensive analysis contributes to a nuanced understanding of the multifaceted aspects involved in nursing care for individuals with Long-COVID.

5. What practical insights can nurses gain from the assignment’s integration of research findings, literature review, and implementation model?

Nurses can gain practical insights into evidence-based interventions for Long-COVID care. The integration of research findings informs clinical decision-making, while the literature review provides a coherent narrative of nursing implications. The implementation model offers a systematic approach to translating these insights into effective clinical practice.

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