The Role of Intelligence In the Cold War.

1. Discuss the role that espionage and counterespionage have played in a major crisis or war of the Cold War — such as the Berlin Airlift, the Korean War, the Iranian coup of 1953, the Suez Canal 1956, Gary Powers and the U2 shoot-down, the Cuban Missile Crisis, the Vietnam War, the Iranian Hostage Crisis, the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, Lebanon 1983, etc.2. Discuss the role that espionage and counterespionage have played in a major policy decision — such as George Kennan’s ‘Long Telegram’, the formation of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), the US policy of containment, the US policy of flexible response, the US policy of detente, the opening with Communist China, etc. FYI. Kennan was the senior architect of the CIA’s covert action programs post WWII.

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