Write a research paper about how programming creates digital computing. No matter what field you go into, having a basic understanding of programming is becoming essential. This assignment will introduce you to some basic programming structures used block-based programming. Tasks: SCENARIO: YOU WILL CREATE AN INTERACTIVE CARD TO SEND TO SOMEONE ON A PARTICULAR OCCASION (E.G. MOTHER’S DAY, FRIEND’S BIRTHDAY, OR GRADUATION; FEEL FREE TO LEARN ABOUT A NEW HOLIDAY FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT: HTTPS://EN.WIKIPEDIA.ORG/WIKI/LISTS_OF_HOLIDAYS ) USING THE SCRATCH ONLINE EDITOR. YOU WILL USE THE FREE ONLINE SCRATCH SOFTWARE: Log in to Scratch (you should have already created an account to complete the Create Your Virtual Pet activity). YOU CAN LOOK UP SOME EXAMPLES HERE Your card should include at least two sprites. The interaction between the sprites should be created using the following programming constructs: Starting event. For example Conditionals (if statement) . Remember, you have to add a condition in this block. Repetition (looping). For example Effects (looks, color, …etc). For example Events (‘broadcast’ and ‘when I receive events’) – at least one. You should turn in the following deliverables: A brief description about your card – how your sprites interact. Please include repetition and IF statements (also called Selection). Write this up in a document using Microsoft Word. The hyperlink to your digital card. Note: chose to SHARE your link. Your EDITOR link is private for you alone. Add your shareable link to your Word document. Send this to someone else to test it to make sure that it works. You must turn in an original work. If you use assets you did not create or used a tutorial or example to help you create your work, give credit in your Word document. Upload the Word document in CougarView. Criteria: Pts 15 Project is an interactive card 15 Project uses at least 2 sprites and conveys a clear message 15 Project is shared correctly. Submission contains a working link to the project and a short description of the sprite interaction 20 Interaction uses 3 IF statements (Selection blocks) 20 Interaction uses 3 Repetition (Repeat blocks) 15 Creativity and overall quality 100 Total Work must be original. Academic dishonesty will be reported to the Dean of Students and the grade will be a zero. 1
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