Writer’s choice

You will revise 5 assignments that you wrote this semester.•Remember, don’t choose the easiest pieces to edit for your revisions. Pick the pieces that you think have the most potential or that you think could best be brought to the next level.•You must demonstrate that you have worked with at least 2 of the revision strategies outlined on the “Basic Revision Techniques” handout for each of your pieces•You may use the Revision Assignment as one of your revisions; however, I expect you to take the feedback I provide on that second draft and incorporate it into your portfolio draft.•Disregard the original prompt when revising your work. Of course, use it if it is helpful to you, but don’t feel limited by the original assignment.•If you choose to expand on a short story or lyric essay, or to revise a piece from a poem into one of these forms, it can count as 2 revisions (should be 2-4 pages)•I want to see that you’ve made intentional choices about:oForm: Think about what form the piece “wants” to be in, or what forms you’re interested in exploring. Does this prose poem want to be expanded into a lyric essay? What happens when this short story is condensed into a 14-line poem? Does the piece want to rest in a hybrid place, between forms? oFigurative language/imagesoLine breaks/enjambment (if you’re writing a lineated poem)oShape oTitlesoSyntax/Diction•Stop and ask yourself: Have I edited this piece, or revised it? Have I chosen a form that advances my “argument” (and vice versa)?•The “So-what” Question: Why is this experience worth poeticizing or putting into writing? What is happening beneath the action, both thematically and emotionally?—

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