Answer each question with 5 paragraphs essay (2 pages). Questions: 1.Define and explain Fischer’s subcultural theory. How did Walter Firey’s research represent an advance on urban ecology and what did he focus on?2. European social scientists such as Tönnies and Durkheim developed binary sets of ideal types to analyze what they saw as the key changes in personal, family, and work relationships and community involvements that occurred due to industrialization and urbanization. Explain these two sets of ideal types showing how they are similar and identify any differences in them.3. Robert Moses and Jane Jacobs differed dramatically in their approaches to cities and urban planning. Explain those differences and how the differences affected the way in which they would view certain types of urban policies and projects. For ex., how would each have thought about the Cross-Bronx Expressway or urban renewal?4. Why is it useful to look at the ideas of city planners and visionaries?
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