According to Hanson, what is theodicy?

Read: 1. Bradley Hanson, “Evil and the God of Love” from Introduction to Christian Theology (CANVAS)2. Fyodor Dostoevsky, “Rebellion” in The Brothers Karamozov (CANVAS)Watch: “The Most Disturbing Chapter in the Brothers Karamazov,” (Links to an external site.)Discussion: Complete the discussion questions on Canvas and respond to a fellow student’s post.Questions:1. According to Hanson, what is theodicy?2. Which of Hanson’s four explanations for theodicy do you find most convincing? Why?3. According to Hanson and Ivan, a character in the The Brothers Karamazov, why do people reject theodicy? Do you agree?4. After reading Hanson and The Brothers Karamazov, do you believe there is a good explanation for why evil and suffering exist in the world? Why or why not?

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