Briefly describe the plot of the movie, “Crazy Rich Asians”.

After watching the film “Crazy Rich Asians”, complete the following :Describe the Social Identities of the main characters in the movie. If characters are bicultural, explain the multiple cultures. Section B:Analyze the attitudes of either 1. Ethnocentrism OR 2. Ethnorelativism in the movie Section C:Describe the Culture-based conflict in the movie AND either 1. The Conflict styles of each character in the conflict OR 2. The Facework of each participant in the conflict.Section D:Analyze either 1. the Intercultural Intimate relationship encountering and coping with racism/prejudice OR 2. a main characters process through the Developmental Model of Intercultural Sensitivity Conclusion:Summarize by discussing the value of the movie to ethical intercultural communication.

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