The material created to educate new mothers on breastfeeding will influence the mother’s decision to breastfeed, including duration, based on the quality and content of the teaching.Assignment RequirementsYour teaching tool will be a trifold and must include this relevant content for a mother considering the risks and benefits of breastfeeding a newborn.Explain how breast milk is formed in the mammary glands and the physiology of breast milkInclude two 2020 National Health Goals related to newborn nutrition to support breast feeding as the best choice. See the link below: the advantages of breastfeeding related to immunities transferred to the newbornDescribe three additional benefits of breast feeding with supporting rationalesInclude at least two supporting resourcesDocument must be writtenFormatStandard American English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.)Logical, original and insightfulProfessional organization, style, and mechanics in APA format
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