Describe the experience of reading Moby-Dick to somebody that has yet to read it.O

Answer two questions. Answers should be approximately 800 words each. Upload your two answers as one document to Loop. 1) “There is no mystery attached to the value that readers and poets place upon Sappho; she demonstrates what poetry can do, in terms of bringing complexes of thought and feeling to life, but also does it with particular immediacy. Her writing inspires others to write.”Explore the possibilities of this quotation with reference to Sappho’s work, paying particular attention to how her work might inspire creativity.2) “Ovid not only tells stories, he arranges and curates; above all, we should admire Metamorphoses for its literary architecture.”Referring to a particular book or sequence of stories in Ovid, show the significance of his narrative designs.ORWhy does Ovid’s work translate so effectively to the visual arts?Make reference to at least two representations in art of episodes from Metamorphoses.3) Gilbert and Gubar state about Jane Eyre that “the problems encountered by the protagonist as she struggles from the imprisonment of her childhood toward an almost unthinkable goal of mature freedom are symptomatic of difficulties Everywoman in a patriarchal society must meet and overcome”. Is Jane Eyre an Everywoman and is this the key to the novel’s enduring popularity?4) “The one thing that can be said confidently about Moby-Dick is that it is one of a kind.”Describe the experience of reading Moby-Dick to somebody that has yet to read it.OR”It was the whiteness of the whale that above all things appalled me.” (Chapter 42)Reflect upon this quotation with regard to reading Melville, and giving particular emphasis to the word “appalled”. What is so appalling about the white whale’s whiteness?5) “But I reckon I got to light out for the Territory ahead of the rest, because Aunt Sally she’s going to adopt me and sivilize me and I can’t stand it. I been there before.”What is the impact of these closing sentences in Huckleberry Finn? How do you think they might inform a discussion over the book’s abiding relevance?ORRead closely the following passage from Chapter 21 of Huckleberry Finn, where the actors the Duke and the King are rehearsing their “version” of Hamlet’s soliloquy, “To Be, or not to Be.” Why do you think Twain incorporates this scene, and what might its significance be in terms of thinking about canonicity?6) Italo Calvino says ‘Classics are books which, the more we think we know about them through heresay, the more original, unexpected and innovative we find them when we actually read them’. What did you expect when you read A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, and how did those expectations relate to your reading of this classic?7) Citizen Kane become a classic because of its radical approach to cinematography (what it did with the camera) rather than its radical approach to narrative (what it did with the story). Discuss.

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