Discuss what you’ve read in your community psychology textbook (e.g mental health system, models of mental health, treatment, deinstitutionalization, law, judicial system, transinstitutionalization, etc).

Film Paper 2: The Released This is a film that deals with numerous concepts/theories/research that relate to what you’ve read in your community psychology textbook (e.g mental health system, models of mental health, treatment, deinstitutionalization, law, judicial system, transinstitutionalization, etc). Your task is to describe the theories and concepts of community psychology that are relevant. You are to then provide examples from the film in terms of how the concepts/theories fit the theme of the film. You can choose one or more of the individuals to focus on or the system that is in play. Lastly, you are to propose a plan of action to deal with the issue. (4-5 pages typed). To reiterate, in your paper you are to describe any relevant theories, concepts and research found in text or lecture and then provide some examples from the film which are related to theory and/or research findings along with think of prevention/solutions/intervention/plan for the issue. It’s critical to integrate the readings and lectures with some relevant examples from the documentary. Focus on using examples to clarify the main portion of the paper which relies on explaining concepts/ideas in community psychology. Lastly, you are not limited to the themes and issues of the specific chapter readings of the week, you can discuss what you’ve learned from other chapters (Ch 5, 6, 7, 9). (You can watch this video along with Frontline’s “The New Asylums” to see treatment in prison http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/asylums/view/ ). IMDB- The Released: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1389980/ Frontline Season 2009 Episode 9: https://www.pbs.org/video/frontline-the-released/ Make sure to utilize APA style to cite your sources throughout the essay. You should have a separate reference(s) section at the end of the paper (which will generally be the citation of the textbook or any other article that you’ve read that you’re citing in your essay). Information about how to do apa in text citation and write references. http://eta.health.usf.edu/publichealth/APAstyle.pdf References: Mercado, Y. The Mental Health System. Retrieved from Blackboard Course Files on October 3, 2019 from https://bbhosted.cuny.edu/webapps/portal/ Mercado, Y. Law, Crime and the Community. Retrieved from Blackboard Course Files on October 10, 2019 from https://bbhosted.cuny.edu/webapps/portal/ Moritsugu, J., Vera, E. Gr, Wong, FY, Grover Duffy, K. (2019). Community Psychology, 6th edition. Routledge: Taylor and Francis Group. Navasky, M. & O’Connor, K. (2009). The Released. [Television Series Episode] Frontline. Boston, MA: PBS. Available from http://video.pbs.org/video/1114528522/

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