1. Go to the AACN website to read about the AACN Healthy Work Environments Initiative. Click here to Review the Executive Summary of the AACN Standards to Establishing and Sustaining Healthy Work Environments: A Journal to Excellence. Review the standards and the critical elements for each standard. 2. Access the Healthy Work Environment Assessment Questions https://www.aacn.org/nursing-excellence/healthy-work-environments/assessment-questions 3. Assess the work environment utilizing the Healthy Work Environment Assessment Questions. Do not purchase the tool. If possible, ask your colleagues to complete the assessment and get their feedback. a. Does your work environment meet all six standards for a healthy work environment? b. What are the strengths you found in the work environment and what areas need improvement? c. Create a plan of action to improve one identified area supported by evidence from research. This plan of action may include the implementation of your staff development project. An example of a plan of action could include obtaining and utilizing TeamSTEPPS from the US Department of Defense’s Patient Safety Program to improve communication and teamwork skills among staff. 4. Follow the grading rubric and write a professional paper summarizing the AACN’s Healthy Work Environment Initiative, assessment findings of the clinical site used for the course, and your plan of action supported by evidence.
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