Watch this Video -Culturally Responsive Teaching and Learning close “reading” of each lesson in the red video requires that it be viewed four times, each time for a specific purpose.Following each viewing, record your clearly worded, specific observations as bulleted notes.· View One — Overview and Determining the Lesson ObjectiveKey Points to Look for:· Get the general gist of the lesson.· Watch the lesson from start to finish to determine the learning goals the teacher has established. What are the students supposed to be learning in the lesson?[Note: Sometimes this will be clearly stated. However, if you are viewing a lesson that is in progress, you will need to infer the objective based on the learning activities you observe.]· View Two – The SettingKey Points to Look For:· What learning aids around the room (charts, bulletin boards, etc.) do the teacher and students use to support learning in this particular lesson?· What individual supplies do the students use to support learning in this particular lesson?· View Three – Opportunities for Student InteractionKey Points to Look For:In what ways does the teacher provide for student interaction during the lesson?How does this support student learning?How does the teacher check for students’ learning during the lesson (formative assessment)?How does the teacher offer added assistance as needed during the lesson?· View Four – A take-away for you.Key Points to Look For:Regardless of subject area or grade level, we can usually find something of individual relevance in most lessons. This time, view the lesson with the goal of finding one (or more) aspect of this lesson that you think you can adjust and use one day in your own classroom.Describe this one aspect. As a prospective teacher, what was it about this aspect of the lesson that appealed to you?
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