How is life and gender roles of the times reflected in the story lines and characters of I LoveLucy / Mary Tyler Moore / One Day At A Time ?Compose an essay

– How is life and gender roles of the times reflected in the story lines and characters of I LoveLucy / Mary Tyler Moore / One Day At A Time ?Compose an essay of 500 words minimum. The paper should be double spaced, with 1” margins using Times Roman font of no more than 12pt.The essay should explain to the reader your understanding of television, its audience and its content. Explain your take on what you have learned and the power television has on societyand how culture and current times effect or are reflected in the characters and / or storyline of the programs. Also tell me how you see the content created, why, and for what purpose.Discuss the times, the environment, the state of the world at the time, the role of television in the lives of Americans, and the influence of its content upon its listeners. Sources can be tv episodes

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