What has changed in the last half century (from the pre internet era (70’s) to the current day) in science and medicine and what is the impact of internet during this process?

The Science Network changeHIV/AIDS and diabetes treatments are common procedures today, but both were a tremendous advance in science in the past half century that would have seemed like fiction to your grandparents. January 1, 1983 is considered the official birthday of the Internet. Prior to this, the various computer networks did not have a standard way to communicate with each other. A new communications protocol was established called Transfer Control Protocol/Internetwork Protocol (TCP/IP).The Internet changed the way we interact with our family, friends, and life partners. Now everyone is connected to everyone else in a simpler, more accessible, and more immediate way; we can conduct part of our personal relationships using our laptops, smart phones, and tablets.As all major advances in technology, internet had a big effect on science. We now can access data and papers much quicker and we are able check news around the globe with one click. There are some disadvantages too, once these technologies promote information as well as misunderstanding. What has changed in the last half century (from the pre internet era (70’s) to the current day) in science and medicine and what is the impact of internet during this process?

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