What is Meursault’s and/or Sisyphus’ happiness? How are the character(s) able to achieve this happiness?

What is Meursault’s and/or Sisyphus’ happiness? How are the character(s) able to achieve this happiness?Support your argument with evidence.-At least three body paragraphs that have quotes integrated with each.-Minimum of 4 pages-MLA formatRemember, I don’t want a book report!-Support your argument with evidence from The Stranger and/or “The Myth of Sisyphus”.-Your thesis has to answer the prompt question with a single position that is supported by at least three supporting reasons.-1100 word Minimum-MLA format with Works Cited Page My thesis : Meursault and Sisyphus both lived not feeling very happy about life but as the time goes on they realize that happiness comes from within. Although death is everyone’s fate, making the most out of life beforehand is what truly matters because at the end of the day, we need to enjoy life while we still have it.

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