Assume, you are a CEO or CMO or Retail Marketing Director of a company (foreither an existing or a start-up company); and for this company you have beenasked to develop/formulate a retail marketing strategy for your chosen/ specifictarget-market.

Assume, you are a CEO or CMO or Retail Marketing Director of a company (foreither an existing or a start-up company); and for this company you have beenasked to develop/formulate a retail marketing strategy for your chosen/ specifictarget-market.The main purpose of this assignment is to tie-together and bring to life the manyretail marketing concepts learned throughout the semester. For this RetailMarketing Plan assignment:1) Please think of both Internet/Online retailing strategies (e.g. Amazon, Apple,Dell, Alibaba etc. who are offering ONLINE sells) as well as brick-and-morterretail options (e.g. Walmart, Target etc. traditional street-side business thatoffers products and services to its customers face-to-face in an office or store ).2) Then you should focus on identifying a target market whose need is notcurrently being met, not being met satisfactorily or even recognized. You alsoshould think about competitive offerings/settings of your retail strategy, and howyour retail marketing & retail communication-mix will be communicated anddelivered both to the individual consumers as well as to business customers.3) Emphasis could be on the solution being actionable and realistic by analyzingyour current retail marketing environment (both Micro & Macro), situational &SWOT analysis, specifying appropriate retail marketing strategies i.e., types ofyour chosen retailing/site/location/channels/CRM/retail pricing/store layout/customer service etc. for any local US market or international market etc.4) Structure/Writing Format: The structure of the retail marketing planshould be in Essay-Format. You may, when writing this retail marketing plan, liketo highlight those key elements/concepts by using appropriate headings or subheadings so it’s crystal clear to any reader

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