Explain about the image’s denotative and connotative readings and make a clear distinction between them.

Explain about the image’s denotative and connotative readings and make a clear distinction between them.discuss the image in a clear, detailed, and structured manner* Make use of the following key terms and concepts if/where applicable:- Noeme (or essence) of photography: ‘that has been’- • Studium: conventional cultural meaning of the photograph- • Punctum: that which ‘punctures’ or ‘wounds’ or disturbs the studium- Concept of lamination: lamination refers to the process of layering or combining different elements, such as images, sounds, or texts, to create a complex and multi-dimensional meaning. It’s like adding layers of meaning and depth to a media text. So, lamination in media theory is all about creating rich and nuanced interpretations.- Encoding/decoding- The male/female gaze- Semiotics:the study of signs and signals within the image- Production/Mediation and Reception in relation to Stuart Halls Theory

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