Why is persuasive communication a central role in a number of professions.

Why is persuasive communication a central role in a number of professions.Persuasive communication may be defined as the process through which people attempt to influence the beliefs or actions of others. Persuasive communication plays a central role in a number of professions. Lawyers, salespersons, advertising specialists, public relations experts, and politicians must use persuasive communication. While persuasive communication may not be the central ingredient in many careers, most people need to be able to influence others in work-related settings.The most prominent form of persuasive communication in contemporary life is advertising. Consumers are confronted by advertisements from a variety of directions. In many magazines 45 to 50 percent of the space is given to advertising. As people drive to and from work, radio advertising rides with them. The roadsides are filled with billboards, neon signs, or banners in store windows that compete with traffic for attention. How are you persuasive? How can you incorporate this skill in your life? Are you good at it? Does it take a lot of confidence to be persuasive? What about credibility? *250 words, proofread for writing.

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