Do you agree or disagree with Fanon that violence is absolutely necessary to decolonization?

As clearly and concisely as possible, please write a paper in which you make a clear and identifiable argument and support that argument by answering the relevant questions below (you do not have to answer all of the questions, but you do need to address the ones that relate to your argument). Your paper should be approximately 2-3 pages in length, typed, and double-spaced. Please provide citations for any quotes you use from the text.

In the first paragraph of The Wretched of the Earth, Fanon writes that decolonization is always a violent event. Later in the same chapter, Fanon argues that In its bare reality, decolonization reeks of red-hot cannonballs and bloody knives. For the last can be the first only after a murderous and decisive confrontation between the two protagonists [the colonizer and the colonized]. Why does Fanon believe it is necessary that decolonization be achieved through violence? What does Fanon believe will happen if violence is not used? Do you agree or disagree with Fanon that violence is absolutely necessary to decolonization? In answering this last question, feel free to cite examples not only from Fanon, but from other course readings and the film The Battle of Algiers.

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