Using a Greek myth of your choosing as source material consult D’Aulaire’s Book Of Myths, write a new version of the story with an eye toward address.

Using a Greek myth of your choosing as source material (consult D’Aulaire’s Book Of Myths, posted on our slack channel for homework), write a new version of the story with an eye toward addressing a contemporary political, social or cultural issue within the tale.Some rules:1- Write your story as a first person narrative, ensuring a subjective experience for the reader and crafting a clear point of view for the protagonist.2- Set your version in a specific genre such as science fiction, fantasy, American history, horror or romantic comedy.3- Follow the tenets of The Hero’s Journey in crafting this new tale- as outlined in class and on our class Slack channel. Number and state each stage of the journey as you detail the process.4- Include every major character from the source material, though they may be reimagined and renamed.5- Include one idea or character NOT found in the source material. (Example from our classwork- the monolith in 2001, which doesn’t appear in Homer’s Odyssey!)6- Write a separate paragraph detailing how your story utilized the characters and adapted the ideas of this particular Greek myth to address a contemporary issue, giving new life to an old tale.

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